Door-to-Door Scammer Indicted by Franklin County Grand Jury

We’ve been telling you about warnings from Franklin County Sheriff Steve Thomas about door-to-door scammers in our area.

Sheriff Thomas said these fraudsters come to your door and offer to do some kind of home improvement or repair but end up doing shoddy work and ripping off unsuspecting consumers.

Now one of those alleged con artists has been caught and indicted.

According to the indictment, Eddie Leonard Harrison was indicted on four counts – two counts of Exploitation and Intimidation of an Elderly or Disabled Adult and two counts of Theft by Deception.

The indictment alleges that on August 2, 2022, Harrison went to the home of the elderly victim offering to pave the man’s driveway for $2600 but when the job was done demanded $7500.

The indictment further alleges that instead of properly paving the man’s driveway he only laid a top coat of asphalt millings instead.

On August 3, 2022 Harrison then allegedly went to the home of another elderly Franklin County resident and pulled the same scam, offering to pave the man’s driveway for $2300 but laid down asphalt millings and demanded $7500.

While this alleged scam happened in 2022, Sheriff Steve Thomas alerted citizens earlier this month to the same scam resurfacing in our area.

He said scammers have been going door to door trying to sell homeowners on paving services or asphalt coating.

The Sheriff’s office said the products sold typically are not quality and wash away after it rains.

Thomas said the vehicles that the fraudsters are reportedly driving this time have South Carolina tags.

Thomas said if someone comes to your door trying to sell you on asphalt or driveway paving, ask them to leave and then call 911 or check with the Sheriff’s office first.

In Franklin County, door-to-door salespeople must have a permit.

These scammers have also been reported in Stephens County.

Harrison is currently out on bond.