Dilworth Family Making Plans to Rebuild Dill’s Food City

The Inspector with the Georgia State Fire Marshal’s office said it would likely be later this week before they can determine how the fire at Dill’s Food City in Royston started.

Inspector Brian Smith told WLHR News Monday that part of the process will be to clear away debris and rubble from inside the building so he and his assistant can get in there for a proper look around.

Meantime, store owner Stan Dilworth was on site Monday morning to meet with inspectors and insurance representatives.

He said that’s the first step before they begin the massive undertaking of debris removal and cleanup.

Dill’s Food City has a long history not only in Franklin County but also in Royston and he said that while the fire was a tragedy for his family and the community, they are looking toward the future.

Dill’s Food City has about 150 employees and Stan Dilworth said none of those who worked at the Royston store will lose their jobs.

Dilworth added that because the Royston store also housed their home office, much of their store records and paperwork were also lost in the fire.

However, he said they are still able to make payroll for every employee without any problem.