Day of Prayer Observed Thursday in Hartwell

FullSizeRender (2)Dozens of the faithful gather on the square in Hartwell Thursday to pray for our Nation.

Thursday was the National Day of Prayer and like hundreds of communities across the country, Hartwell also held a prayer service on the county courthouse square at noon.

The Interdenominational Women’s Bible Study has been organizing the county’s National Day of Prayer service for the past nine years.

Spokesperson Judy Voigt told the group, the seven pastors from seven different churches would be praying for svarious areas of national concern.

Dr. Allen Stewart of First United Methodist Church in Hartwell prayed for the Government.

Dr. Stewart noted that in this election year, God’s help is especially needed.

“We also pray for this year’s election,” he said. “We know Lord that we live in a country that seems more divided than it has been in recent history. We pray for all of those running for office. We pray that they will be faithful persons and that Your Spirit will move and through all of this process.”

The prayer service ended with the Lord’s Prayer, which was led by Father John Silver of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Hartwell and the singing of “God Bless America.”

In 1952, Congress designated the first Thursday of May as day for people across the country to turn to God in prayer and meditation.
Each year since then, the President has signed a proclamation, encouraging all Americans to pray our country.