Cuban Christians Visit Toccoa Falls College

cubans-614x280By Charlie Bauder, WNEG Radio, Toccoa

Three men from Cuba make a visit to Toccoa Falls College.

The men were in town last week representing the Cuban Christian and Missionary Alliance and taking a tour around America, also visiting places like Washington, D.C. and Miami.

Elier Mir, Armando Duardo, and Yoel Magdaleno are all seeing America for the first time.

They received an invitation from the American Christian and Missionary Alliance to travel here and start conversations about how the two branches of the Christian and Missionary Alliance could work together moving forward as conversations grow between the two nations.

WNEG News met with the three men on the TFC campus. They spoke through a translator.

Mir said he was amazed by the technology of the United States and the amount of development.

“I am very surprised because in our nation, we normally do not have that kind of development, so coming here has impacted me because of the tremendous development and also because of the beautiful structure of this country,” said Mir.

Besides the technology, Duardo said he is impressed with the cultural diversity of America.

“There does not seem to be anything missing so there is quite a contrast with our own reality,” said Duardo.

Magdaleno said he is impressed with the nation’s roads and infrastructure and also with how many Cubans actually live in America, in places like Miami.

All three said that America goes beyond what they could have imagined.

As for their country, Magdaleno said he wants Americans to know that Cuba looks forward to learning more about Americans.

“The Cuban solidarity is very hospitable and it is also open,” said Magdaleno. “Cuba is awaiting the Americans.”

The men also said that the Cuban people have a tremendous amount of solidarity and see America as their neighbor.

Meanwhile, Duardo said they have been treated very well on their stay and he says he will return to Cuba with tremendous memories of America.

“For what they are doing and also because of the way people are as individuals,” said Duardo. “I hope they will extend another invitation to return.”

Also, all three said that the Cuban people have high expectations that the conversations between the two nations will continue.
