Corps Advises Checking With Them Before Making Changes to Shoreline Property

People living on Lake Hartwell, especially newcomers to the lake, are often unaware of the rules for addressing issues on Corp property; especially if homeowners on the lake want to make improvements to their shoreline.

But shoreline management is an important part of keeping Lake Hartwell pristine and as natural as possible.

That’s why Chief Ranger of Shoreline Management for the Corps of Engineers Jason Whiting wants lakeside homeowners to be aware of what can and cannot be done to Corps property.

Whiting said that before a new homeowner does any kind of landscaping or improvements, they to make sure they know where their property ends and the federally owned shoreline or Corps property begins.

Whiting said if they can’t find the pins, they need to get a licensed surveyor to come out and find them.

After that, if there are trees or debris on the Corps property that they think needs to be addressed, they need to get in touch with his office first to get a permit.

As for docks, Whiting says there are also rules for the kind of dock you want to put in and where it can be placed as well as for lighting, and potable water lines.

And again, permits are required.

Whiting said new lakeside homeowners should pick up a copy of the Shoreline Management Agreement which lists what is allowed and not allowed.

He said violations, such as cutting down trees or removing debris without Corps permission can result in stiff fines and could also result in a homeowner having their dock removed permanently.

If you need a copy of the Corps Shore Management Agreement or have other questions you can call Whiting at the Hartwell Lake Project office at 706-856-0352 or email him at [email protected].

To hear the full interview with Whiting tune in Sunday to Community Forum at 12:03p here on 92.1 Lake Hartwell radio.