Governor Signs Tough New Boating Bill

It is now state law for children 13 years old and under to wear life jackets when riding in an open, moving boat. In a ceremonial signing Tuesday on Lake Lanier, Governor Nathan Deal signed Senate Bill 136. The bill was passed this legislative session in response to the deaths of two boys, Kyle Glover and Griffin Prince who were […]

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Lavonia Welcome Center One of Eight to be Renovated

Georgia’s Welcome Centers, including the one in Lavonia on I-85, will be getting facelifts. Recently, the State Transportation Board’s Gateways Committee voted to recommend the renovation of Georgia’s Welcome Centers.  The Gateways Committee committed funds to the effort from the revenues collected from the Georgia LOGO program.   “No amount or scope of work has yet been determined for the Lavonia […]

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Toccoa Raises Water, Gas Rates

By Charlie Bauder, WNEG Radio, Toccoa Utility bills for City Of Toccoa water customers who are not city residents will be going up, as will utility bills for Georgia customers of Toccoa Natural Gas. Monday, the Toccoa City Commission unanimously approved two rate hikes that will take effect with the start of a new fiscal year, july 1. Water rates […]

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