Candidates for BOC District 2 Review Platforms

The two County Commission candidates for the Franklin County District 2 seat had an opportunity recently to once again put forth their platforms for the public before tomorrow’s run-off election.

Sam Freeman and Cory Pulliam are running for the seat that will replace Commissioner Kyle Foster who chose not to run for re-election.

At the Franklin County Republican Party-sponsored political forum on June 6, candidate Cory Pulliam noted he has lived in Franklin County his entire life and comes from a farming family.

He said if elected he would work for all of Franklin County on all the important issues.

First thanking his running mates, Pulliam and Mark Sewell for their integrity and character in running clean races, candidate Sam Freeman said as a farmer and businessman he has the skills necessary to effectively serve the needs of District 2 and the County.

In response to the question of how to stop the annual property tax increases, Freeman said it’s a push/pull situation – how to keep taxes from going up and still meet the needs of the county and its citizens.

Pulliam said while he doesn’t want Franklin County to become an industrial county, the County must look at ways to attract new businesses in order to take some of the property tax burden off the property owner.

Early voting ended Friday with over 1100 Franklin County citizens choosing to Advance vote.

Tomorrow voters will go to their assigned precincts to cast their ballots.