Valentine’s Day Scams That Could Leave You Broke and Brokenhearted

It’s Valentine’s Day and according to the National Retail Federation projections, consumer spending is expected to reach nearly $26 billion.

But as you celebrate the Better Business Bureau wants you to be aware of a few common scams that could leave you broke and heartbroken.

Whether you are hoping to foster a new relationship or buying gifts for loved ones, it is crucial to be aware of these three scams regularly reported to BBB.

Impostor websites

From fraudulent jewelry sellers to online dating sites, consumers should remain vigilant for impostor websites.

Scammers can easily take official photos, sale promotions, and logos directly from the website of a popular jewelry brand, and with professional graphics and unbeatable prices, scammers are able to create attractive websites that closely resemble the real thing.

Similar tactics may be used to build fake online dating platforms, often used to steal personal data and credit card information.

Some Red flags include:

* Products that are available at extreme discounts.
* The seller requests customers pay with cash transfer apps or cryptocurrency
* Customer service is unreachable.

Romance scams

Romance scammers often target vulnerable people who have experienced a recent breakup or other hardships.

They take advantage of that heartbreak to establish a connection and gain sympathy. Once they’ve gotten their victim on the hook with a compelling story, the pursuit of their true goal begins: money.

Red flags in romance scams include:

* The relationship moves very fast.
* You never meet in person.
* Once they’ve gained your trust, they start asking for money.

Wrong number scam

Responding to a text message from someone who messaged the wrong number might seem harmless.

However, the initial text message serves as bait to engage you in conversation. If the conversation persists, they may eventually try to get your personal information by directing you to sign up for an adult site.

Red flags:

* The messages don’t stop.
* The sender directs you to sign up for a website.
* They try to get your personal information.

Fake florist scam

Plan on ordering flowers for Valentine’s Day?

BBB has received many reports of shoppers who thought they were ordering flowers from an online florist, only to receive nothing at all or a disappointing arrangement.

What to do if you encounter a scam

If you encounter a suspected romance scam, cut off all contact with the perpetrator by blocking their accounts and phone number. Then, report your experience to and to the Federal Trade Commission at