Avalon May Not Qualify for SPLOST Funds, Says County Attorney

By Charlie Bauder, WNEG Radio, Toccoa

Stephens County is putting the finishing touches on the SPLOST VI referendum that will go before voters this fall, but one question lingers.

Whether the community of Avalon qualifies under Georgia Law to receive any revenue from the penny sales tax. Avalon is seeking just over $100,000 from SPLOST VI for renovations to its city hall.

Representatives from Stephens County, along with Toccoa, Martin, and Avalon met Monday for a joint meeting at the historic Stephens County Courthouse to continue their discussions.

Stephens County Attorney Brian Ranck said there is a list of 12 services, that a qualified municipality must provide its citizens or have a contract in place to provide three of those services.

Ranck says right now, Avalon only provides two of those, planning and zoning and solid waste management.

“I still, through the list of things, do not know where we get the third requirement for Avalon to be a qualified municipality,” said Ranck.
“I still, through the list of things, do not know where we get the third requirement for Avalon to be a qualified municipality,” said Ranck. – See more at: http://wnegradio.com/stephens-co-still-unsure-if-avalon-qualifies-for-splost-proceeds/#sthash.BP952wcl.dpuf

Other services that must be provided by a municipality in order to receive SPLOST revenue include law enforcement, fire protection, road maintenance, water distribution, waste water treatment, electric and/or gas utility services, a library and recreational facilities.

But Avalon officials say they also pay for the cost of streetlights in the town limits.  Ranck said, however, that might not qualify as a service under Georgia law.

Avalon officials also say they are working on a contract with the town of Martin regarding fire protection, which they claim could qualify as the third provided service.

Stephens County Commission Chairman Stanley London asked if Avalon did not  qualify for SPLOST, if the county could perhaps look at taking over the city  hall renovation project.   But Ranck said he would have reservations about that based on SPLOST law.

“To qualify, the county has to either own the project where the money will be spent or operate it,” said Ranck.

Ranck says once the issue regarding Avalon’s eligibility is resolved, he will finish the SPLOST VI resolution for county commissioners to approve at their meeting next week.