Hart County Sheriff’s Office Investigates Shooting

Hart County authorities are investigating a shooting that happened over the weekend, but they’re not yet sure where. Sheriff Mike Cleveland said Tuesday his office received a report of two black males at the Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center in Lavonia. One of the men was being treated for a gunshot wound to the leg.  Cleveland said the man told […]

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Toccoa Approves FY14 Budget

By Charlie Bauder The city of Toccoa approves its Fiscal Year 2014 budget more than a month before the deadline.  Monday, city commissioners unanimously approved the $32 million budget for the Fiscal Year that will start on July 1. The budget has to be approved on or before June 30 and last year, the city worked on the budget well […]

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Red Cross Asking for Donations for Tornado Victims

The American Red Cross is asking for donations to help victims of the Moore, Oklahoma tornado, as well as victims of other tornadoes throughout the Midwest this spring. “The damage is profound, widespread and the full impact still has yet to be realized,” said Richard Reed,  Senior Vice President, Disaster Cycle Services American Red Cross. Red Cross officials say disaster […]

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Deals Says Athiest Materials at State Parks OK

Gov. Nathan Deal said Athiest materials at State Park lodges and cabins is fine, but he can’t say how the public might react.  Deal said Tuesday “if somebody doesn’t want to read the Gideon Bibles, they don’t have to take it out of the drawer. If there is some atheist literature, they don’t have to read it,” according to the […]

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Franklin County Clerk Announces Retirement

The search is on for a new county clerk in Franklin County. County clerk Laverne Hilley has announced she will retire at the end of this fiscal year.  Her last day is June 28th.  County manager Billy Morse said his office is already accepting applications. “The position is being advertised and we’re already receiving resumes,” Morse said. “The close date […]

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