American Lung Association Launches New Flu Shot Campaign

The American Lung Association is launching a new campaign to encourage individuals, especially those living with chronic health conditions, to get their flu shots.

At a time when we are approaching peak flu season, it is important for everyone to do their part to protect loved ones and communities – especially during the holidays when more people will be gathering with friends and loved ones.

This year, the rate of influenza is higher than before the pandemic.

Dr. Jamie Garfield is the national spokesperson for the American Lung Association.

She says those living with heart disease, diabetes, asthma, COPD, and other chronic lung diseases are most at risk of developing serious complications.

According to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta in past flu seasons, 9 out of 10 adults hospitalized with flu had at least one underlying medical condition.

Dr. Garfield said getting the flu shot protects you and those around you. Flu activity is already widespread in Georgia – and much earlier than in recent years.

New this season are three flu vaccines recommended for individuals 65 years and older.

The flu vaccine is available at public health departments, doctors’ offices, grocery stores, neighborhood clinics, and pharmacies.

To find a location near you, you can go to

Additionally, if you need to get a COVID booster shot you can get that at the same time as a flu vaccine.