AAA Offers Pedestrian Safety Tips During National Pedestrian Safety Month

October is National Pedestrian Safety Month.

Drivers and pedestrians alike share the responsibility of keeping themselves and others on the road safe.

According to the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS), in 2021, 306 pedestrians were killed – a 10 percent increase from the 279 pedestrian fatalities in 2020.

That’s why with the holidays coming up, AAA urges pedestrians to be visible, stay alert, and follow traffic rules.

Some of the factors that contribute to the increased risk of pedestrian injuries include fewer daylight hours, distracted drivers, and an increased number of pedestrians on the roadways.

AAA offers the following safety reminders:

Keeping yourself safe as a pedestrian

Be visible – always wear light or reflective clothing and stay in well-lit areas, if possible.
Whenever possible, keep to sidewalks or pathways and on the left side of the road facing traffic.
Put your phone away and focus on the walk. Distractions can cause you to not see and anticipate a driver’s actions.
Avoid wearing headphones so you can hear what is happening around you and respond.

Factors that contribute to the increased risk of pedestrian injuries

  • Fewer daylight hours
  • Distracted driving
  • Increased number of pedestrians on the roadways

Best practices for drivers

Stay Alert – Always look for pedestrians when operating a vehicle. Safety is a two-way street, and drivers should anticipate that a pedestrian may enter their path at any time.

Follow posted speed limits – especially in areas of heavy pedestrian traffic.
Avoid distractions – put down your phone. Even one second of taking your eyes off the road is enough time for a pedestrian to walk in front of your moving vehicle.
Always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and reduce speed when entering a crosswalk area.
Do not pass a vehicle that has stopped at a crosswalk.

“It’s important to be aware of your surroundings as a pedestrian and a driver,” said Montrae Waiters, spokeswoman, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “We must all adhere to basic rules of the road because it only takes a second of not paying attention in busy, high-traffic areas to make you vulnerable to an accident.”