UGA’s Great Pollinator Census Taking Place Today and Saturday

This weekend, Georgians across the state will be making a difference in pollinator conservation by participating in the fourth annual Great Georgia Pollinator Census, you can be part of it.

The Pollinator Census takes place today and Saturday, and it’s open to residents of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina.

If you enjoy watching the butterflies and bees attracted to the flowers in your yard, you are invited to take 15 minutes out of your day this weekend to participate in the census.

Bees and butterflies are vital to the survival of our ecosystem and mankind and that’s why the University of Georgia began taking a census every year of bees.

This is a great and fun way for parents to engage children in learning about the important role pollinators play in our ecosystem.

Coordinated by the University of Georgia Extension Service, Becky Griffin is the Project Coordinator for the two-day event.

Griffin said pollinator insects come in a variety of species, not just bees, and they all need to be counted.

It’s easy to take part in the pollinator census and Griffin said you can do it from your own backyard.

If you live in South Carolina and would like to participate in the count you can go online to the same UGA website to download the tally sheet.

When you’re done counting, you can go back to that same website and upload your counts.

You can also print out a certificate of participation to hang on your wall that says you participated in the Great Pollinator Census of 2024.

The Pollinator Census counting sheet can be downloaded from the UGA website at