Special Reception Coming Up for Retiring Royston Police Chief

The public is invited to a special farewell reception for Royston Police Chief Donnie Boleman.

His last day is Friday, August 30.

The drop-in reception will take place next Tuesday, August 27 between 4p – 6p at the Royston Train Depot on Railroad St.

Boleman announced his retirement two weeks ago.

Boleman, who has worked for the City of Royston for 20 years, 15 of those as its Chief of Police, said he decided after the recent death of his 6wk old grandson.

Boleman said he has taken an outside sales job which will allow him to have more family time.

In addition to his work as Police Chief, he has also been active in the community.

He and his wife founded and operate the Rainbow Pantry Food Bank where he serves as an advisory board member to ensure the resources and volunteers have what they need to provide help for the community.

Since it began in 2017, the Rainbow Pantry has grown to include 13 volunteers and serves an average of 7000 people per year from its pantry resources.

Boleman said though he’s leaving law enforcement he will continue to serve the community he loves.

The search is now on for his replacement. The City began advertising the job last week.

The position is open until filled, and application reviews began Wednesday.

Again the reception will take place next Tuesday, August 27 between 4p – 6p at the Royston Train Depot on Railroad St.