If you plan on taking your dogs to where there will be fireworks or people in your neighborhood or family setting off fireworks tonight – don’t.

Many dogs are lost on the 4th of July because they’re afraid of fireworks and either ran away from a fireworks event or are left outside in the yard and take off.

The American Kennel Club has a few tips for keeping your dog safe on the 4th of July.

1. First leave them at home in the house or somewhere where they will feel safe. Dogs are den animals — they’re looking for that cave to get away from it all.

Try setting up an area in a quiet space away from windows, such as in a basement or a larger closet so that they can’t hear or see fireworks.

Or use a crate if that’s where your dog feels safe, and make sure to provide them with familiar toys and treats.

2. Use a calming wrap which gives the dog a sense of being held and helps them feel safe.

3. Give your dog a calming chew before it gets dark to help them relax.

4. Leave a TV or radio on with calming music to help drown out the sound of fireworks going off

5. Make sure your dog has a name tag with your phone number if they run away at the sound of fireworks going off.

It’s also a good idea to get your dog microchipped and has a GPS device. That way, if they escape, there’s a better chance they’ll be found and get back home.