Franklin BOC Holds First FY25 Public Hearing

Franklin County Board of Commissioners held the first of two public hearings on the proposed Fiscal 2025 budget last week.

A public hearing was held Thursday morning, May 30 at the Justice Center in Carnesville.

By law, two public hearings must be held to allow citizens to voice their opinions or comment on the proposed budget before the Commission votes on it.

Last week, only one citizen spoke during the public comment period.

Jason Boyce of Carnesville called for the County to set up an emergency fund and then defund the Franklin County Industrial Building Authority.

After hearing from Boyce, the Board heard from County Finance Director Andrew Murphy who went over a revised FY25 budget.

Murphy noted the revision was due to the employee insurance premium being lower than expected.

Murphy said the revised anticipated FY25 revenue is $32,296,730 with expected expenditures of $31,086,430 leaving the county with an anticipated surplus of $1.2 million.

General fund revenues and expenses for FY25 are projected to balance out at just over $21 million.

After hearing from Murphy, County Manager Terry Harris noted Murphy and County staff had worked hard to put together a budget that was easy for the general public to view and understand.

County Commission Chair Jeff Jacques pointed out that the proposed FY 25 budget covers three important areas.


Franklin County’s fiscal year begins July 1, 2024, and runs through June 30, 2025.

A second public hearing will be held Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 5:00 P.M.

The Chairman and Commissioners will consider adopting the proposed FY 2025 Budget during a Special Called Budget Meeting afterward at 5:30 P.M.

The FY25 budget is now available to view online at