Hart County 911 Sponsoring Blood Drive Today

Hart County 911 is sponsoring a blood drive today at the Quality Foods on Benson St. In Hartwell from 3p to 6p.

Right now hospitals are facing the worst blood donation shortage in decades because of severe recent weather in other parts of the country that have prevented donors from attending blood drives.

And that has caused some hospitals to hold off on surgeries due to a low supply of blood.

Blood and platelet donations are needed now to help alleviate the shortage and ensure lifesaving medical procedures can proceed without delay.

Currently, there is a particular need for blood type O negative.

Remember, donors must be in good health, at least 17 years old or 16 with written parental consent, and weigh at least 110 pounds in order to donate blood.

Blood Connection officials say blood donors today will receive $70 in rewards. The rewards can be redeemed for eGift cards.

Again, the Blood Connection Bloodmobile will be at the Quality Foods on Benson St. In Hartwell from 3p to 6p.