Lavonia Kindness Serves Seniors in May

It’s a new month and a new kindness initiative for the City of Lavonia.

In January, Mayor Courtney Umbehant announced that each month, the city would concentrate on different acts of kindness.

This month, Main Street Director Ashley Rose Dodd said the effort is to be kind to senior citizens in Lavonia.

Dodd said city employees are working with the Franklin County Senior Center to help with their Meals on Wheels program.

Dodd said they are also asking Lavonia citizens to consider volunteering at the Franklin County Senior Center, not just in May but throughout the year.

As part of spreading kindness, each month the City of Lavonia focuses on areas where people can help others in some way.

If you would like to learn more about helping with Meals on Wheels you can contact the Franklin County Senior Center at (706) 384-2500.