Over 100K Georgians Voted Early Last Week Says Secretary of State

Georgia voters broke the 100k mark in Early Voting and Absentee totals during the first week of early voting according to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

Raffensperger credits the large turnout last week to upgraded security procedures and voter experience improvements implemented since 2018.

He said Georgia continues to seek the appropriate balance between election security and voter access, leading the way in several first-of-its-kind pilot projects and upgrades that reduce the likelihood of errors while casting a ballot.

Since 2018 the State has implemented a series of measures aimed at strengthening the integrity of elections and boosting voter confidence.

Cutting-edge upgrades to poll pads have streamlined the check-in process, cutting wait times and improving overall accuracy.

Additionally, the adoption of a new voter registration system, GARViS, has modernized voter registration procedures, enhancing security, accuracy, and reliability.

To increase transparency, the My Voter Page has undergone significant upgrades, allowing voters to check the status of their vote on the same day, in most cases.

Voters can access the My Voter Page at https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/

Raffensperger said the upgrades, support Georgia’s requirement of short wait times on election day, and accomplish the goal of a positive experience for all Georgia voters.

Additionally, he said the launch of Election Data Hub marks a milestone in transparency, providing hourly turnout updates and invaluable insights to the public.

The Election Data Hub can be accessed by going to https://sos.ga.gov/election-data-hub

And for voters who cast a ballot by mail, Georgians can now monitor their ballots throughout the entire process, significantly enhancing the likelihood of a successfully cast vote thanks to Georgia’s partnership with BallotTrax.

Voters who would like to track the progress of their absentee paper ballot can go to: https://georgia.ballottrax.net/voter/