Franklin County BOC Meets Tonight for Regular Session

Franklin County Commissioners are expected to vote tonight to approve a second Local Maintenance Improvement Grant or LMIG from the Georgia Department of Transportation.

At their work session last week, County Manager Terry Harris told the Board the County has been awarded another $808,917.65 in extra LMIG monies.

Harris said he wants to use the extra funding to pay the contractor for the repair and resurfacing of more roads.

In January, Harris said Franklin County had received $543,955.94 from G-DOT in LMIG funds.

With a 30% match from the County, the total amount came to $707,000 to improve and resurface three county roads, McGee Road, Reno Road, and Brown Road.

Last week, Harris pointed out that this second round of LMIG funding requires no match from the County and will pay for the repair, patching, and resurfacing of three more County roads.

Tonight’s Board of Commission meeting takes place at 6p at the Justice Center in Carnesville after the Planning & Zoning Public Hearing at 5:30p. It is also available via live streaming on Zoom.