Five HCHS Seniors Commit to Education Career Field

Five graduating seniors at Hart County High School have committed to pursuing a career in education.

On Wednesday, the Hart County Charter System announced that Sawyer Boyd, Gracie Cook, Kerrigan Johnson, Au’Brionna McIntosh, and Micah Reese participated in Georgia’s Future Educators Signing Day, a statewide initiative sponsored by the Georgia Department of Education, on Tuesday, April 30.

In an effort to build excitement around the teaching profession and encourage students to pursue a career in education, Hart County High School participated in the signing day.

“I am thrilled to see the dedication and passion of these five seniors who have chosen to serve their community as educators. Their commitment not only speaks volumes about their character but also reflects the supportive environment offered by our school system and community,” Superintendent Jennifer Carter said. “We celebrate their decision to pursue teaching as a profession and look forward to the positive impact they will make on the lives of future generations.”

Mrs. Ansley Keiser is an Education and Training Pathway Teacher who hosted the signing event.

“I was deeply moved and incredibly grateful to see such a fantastic turnout at the event. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the educators, parents, friends, and students who joined us for our inaugural event. I am tremendously proud of these aspiring Georgia educators,” Mrs. Keiser said. “They are exceptionally talented and driven, and I have every confidence that they will become outstanding Georgia educators in the future!”

She said the five students are exceptionally talented and driven, and she has every confidence that they will become outstanding Georgia educators in the future.

Georgia Future Educators Signing Day, usually held each year during Teacher Appreciation Week, is sponsored by the Georgia Department of Education’s Division of Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education in partnership with the Georgia Early Childhood Education Foundation (GECEF) and Georgia’s colleges and universities.

“The most important thing we can do, as we work to prepare all students for life, is recruit our best and brightest to become teachers – and make it viable for them to stay,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “Through Georgia Future Educators Signing Day, we recognize the high-school students who are answering the call to become educators and make a lasting difference for our state. I commend these students and look forward to the impact they will make in the classroom!”