Legacy Link Offering Job Training, Placement for Senior Citizens

For many senior adults, retirement may have not turned as expected and you might be looking for something to do that would bring in some extra cash as well.

Or you may be one of many seniors who have had to go back to work to make ends meet.

About 12% of retirees say they’re likely to start working again this year, particularly due to inflation and a high cost of living, according to a Nov. 28 report by ResumeBuilder.com.

However, according to HRDIVE.com, two-thirds of retirees who would like to return to work say they fear age bias will affect their job prospects.

But Legacy Link offers a job training and placement service that many seniors might not know about.

Alisha Hontz is the Assistant Director for the Senior Community Service Employment Program through Legacy Link, which is funded by the US Department of Labor under the Older Americans Act.

The Senior Community Service Employment Program is a community service and work-based job training program for older Americans.

Hontz says SCSEP is a federally funded employment training program for limited-income seniors and those living in rural areas and training is done locally.

All wages and workers’ compensation coverage are paid through The Legacy Link.

Participants also have access to employment assistance through American Job Centers.

Participants work an average of 20 hours a week and are paid the highest federal, state, or local minimum wage and the training serves as a bridge to unsubsidized employment opportunities for participants.

You must be at least 55 years of age to apply for the job training but Hontz says it’s easy for someone looking for work or needing more job training to apply.

The Program intake number to sign up for job training is 770 538 2657.

You can learn more about The Senior Community Service Employment Program this Sunday on Community Forum which airs at 12:03p.