Royston City Council Decides on Number of Package Sale Licenses

The Royston City Council has approved an amendment allowing for the issuance of four licenses for four package stores.

At their called meeting Tuesday evening, the Council heard a second reading of an amendment to the City’s Alcohol Ordinance from City Attorney Doug Ashworth.

The amendment of Chapter 6 under Alcoholic Beverages has to do with the issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses to package stores.

Ashworth told the Council that before they voted on the amendments, they had some decisions to make.

Ashworth told the Council the population of the City of Royston as of 2021 was 2,656 which means the Council had to decide how many licenses the City would approve based on the population.

Ashworth added a third decision the Council needed to make was to choose when the ordinance would become effective.

After hearing from the City Attorney, City Councilman Jason Phillips motioned to base the number of licenses issued by the City to one per 600 citizens, which would allow for four licenses and for that amendment to go into effect immediately.

That was seconded by Councilman Matt Fields and it passed unanimously with Councilman Kenneth Roach absent.