Lavonia Holding Blood Drive and Car Seat Safety Check Today

As part of their continuing year-long campaign to spread kindness to others, the City of Lavonia will have a bloodmobile parked downtown at the Train Depot today from 1p to 6p.

Additionally, officers will also be conducting free car seat safety checks at that time.

Today’s blood drive is part of Lavonia Mayor Courtney Umbehant’s effort to encourage citizens to practice kindness in 2024.

Umbehant said people in general have allowed the issues and problems in our country and world to affect their behavior.

“We have allowed the stresses of all of the things going on in the outside world to creep their way in locally. And if we’re going to be the examples that we’re supposed to be in the heart of the Bible Belt, then we should extend more kindness and grace than we have,” he said.

Umbehant said no one is perfect and we need to remember that everyone has problems and issues they’re facing.

As part of spreading kindness, each month the City of Lavonia is focusing on areas where people can help others in some way.  This month, the City is asking to donate blood.

Blood donors must be healthy, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be 17 years old or 16 with written parental consent. Donors must bring a valid photo ID.