Royston City Council Approves Purchase of Flock Safety Security Cameras

Photo: Flock Safety Security Systems


The Royston City Council has approved the purchase of two Flock Safety Security cameras for the Royston Police Department.

At their meeting Tuesday evening, Police Chief Donnie Boleman requested the City allow the purchase of the two cameras that he said would be used on Highway 17.

Boleman said the Flock camera system is interconnected to other Flock system cameras around the country and captures vehicle tag numbers which helps locate suspects or missing persons.

The Chief pointed to a recent situation in which his department was alerted by Frankin Springs Police to a stolen vehicle heading into Royston using their Flock system.

He added that while Royston does not have the cameras yet, Flock cameras in neighboring states have already helped his department locate two missing people from Royston.

Boleman asked the Council to approve two Flock cameras initially, with a view toward adding additional cameras in the future.

The total cost of the two cameras Boleman said would be $13,300 over a two-year period which would include installation, software, and setup.

After that, he said the cost would be $6,000 a year for both cameras. The two cameras, according to Chief Boleman, would be paid for out of SPLOST V funds the Department still has left.

After hearing from Chief Boleman, the Council voted unanimously to purchase the two Flock cameras.