Lavonia City Council Expected to Vote on IBA Intergovermental Agreement Tonight

The Lavonia City Council will hold its regular meeting this evening at Lavonia City Hall.

On the agenda, the Council and Mayor Courtney Umbehant are expected to hear a presentation on a proposed intergovernmental agreement with the Franklin County Industrial Building Authority.

Speaking at their January meeting, Mayor Umbehant said the agreement would go hand-in-hand with the newly formed Lavonia Economic Development Commission.

The Mayor noted that the City already works with the Industrial Building Authority but the intergovernmental agreement, if approved tonight, would create a legal avenue for the two entities to work together.

The Mayor pointed out there were still several points to work out before the Council would be able to vote on the agreement tonight.

In other business tonight the Council is expected to vote on whether to approve a proposed mixed-use development at the corner of Ross Place and Ralph Owens Parkway.

Ross Place Investments is asking the City to annex the property into the city and rezone it for a medical campus and a multi-family apartment or townhome complex.

The Council delayed a vote on the proposal last month until they met with the developers for a work session last month.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 5:30p and is open to the public.