Franklin County BOC to Hear Audit Report, Vote on GEFA Loan Tonight

It could be a relatively short meeting for the Franklin County Board of Commissioners this evening.

The Board is expected to get the annual audit presentation from the CPA firm of Rushton & Co.

In other business, Commissioners will make a new appointment from District 2 to the Planning & Zoning Board, and they are also expected to approve a $2.5 million loan approval from the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority.

County Engineer John Phillips announced the award at last week’s Board of Commission work session. GEFA awarded the County the conservation loan out of its Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.

Phillips said the loan has a repayment of 20 years at 3.24% but with approval for 50% principal forgiveness.

According to Phillips, when the County initially applied for the loan, Commissioners were still considering whether to purchase the Carnesville water sewer system and that was written into the loan application.

However, last November, the Board announced the County had decided not to pursue that purchase citing the expense involved in repairing and renovating the system.

Phillips told the Board Tuesday that they can still accept the money to use for several other important water projects.

And there is no Planning and Zoning Board public hearing this evening due to there not being any requests for consideration.

Tonight’s Board of Commission meeting begins at 6p in the Franklin Co Justice Center and is open to the public.

It’s also available on Zoom. Login details are available on the Franklin County Government Facebook page.