Listening Session in Lavonia a Success Say Georgia Council for Recovery Reps

Representatives from the Georgia Council for Recovery are calling last week’s listening session in Lavonia a big success.

Almost 100 people turned out for the listening session at First Baptist Church in Lavonia last Thursday evening, including area leaders from law enforcement, St. Mary’s Sacred Heart Hospital, and others who voiced their concerns about the needs of Franklin County citizens who need help with addiction.

GCR Director and one of the facilitators last week, Emily Ribblet, said her team was encouraged by the great community response.

Ribblet said many who came shared their own personal struggles and what they’re doing to cope or overcome them, which she said was very moving.

Coming on the heels of last week’s listening session, a report will be generated this week and sent to stakeholders on the results of the session and GCR’s recommendations.

From there, GCR will hold smaller meetings over the next six months with those in Franklin County who are interested in planning a symposium.

Ribblet said they hope to hold the symposium in about six months, which will also include guest speakers and tables for different local groups dedicated to recovery and other community issues to offer their information.

Both the listening sessions and the work moving forward are funded by grants, Ribblet said.

The Georgia Council for Recovery is a private, non-profit independent advocacy organization based in Atlanta dedicated to reducing the impact of substance abuse disorders in communities through education, advocacy, and training.

Anyone interested in learning more about the Georgia Council for Recovery and their work or to get involved locally can contact Edmund Patterson at 706-391-1729.