Lavonia City Council, Mayor and Staff Meeting for Weekend Planning Retreat

The Lavonia City Council, City Mayor Courtney Umbehant, and City Manager Charles Cawthon will be spending the weekend planning for the future of the City of Lavonia.

Lavonia Councilmen and City Staff will be staying at the Brasstown Valley Resort in Young Harris beginning today and Saturday.

Among the items on the agenda for today include Zoning & Land Use Review, and Development Trends.

With more developers looking at Franklin County to build homes and apartment complexes, the City is looking at how best to grow the town’s residential areas.

City fathers are also looking at how to provide venues for families and teens within walking distance of those new subdivisions and apartments on the horizon.

In 2023, the City hired Blake Sanders, owner of Studio Main in Greenville to redesign all five city parks and then held meetings to gather citizen input.

Also on the agenda today include Governmental Issues, 2024 Priorities, and Economic Development.

Another initiative begun by the City in 2023 included a major Streetscape project in the downtown area to attract more visitors and businesses.

Then on Saturday, Council and staff will be looking back on 2023, and discuss the Mayor’s and Council member’s Goals for 2024.

Again, the Lavonia Retreat takes place at the Brasstown Valley Resort and is open to the public.