Deadline Approaching for HS Teens to Sign Up for Hart EMC Washington Youth Tour

The Washington Youth Tour, the Hart EMC Foundation scholarship and the Walter Harrison Scholarship applications are open for just two more weeks.

The dates for the 2024 Washington Youth Tour are June 14 through June 21, 2024 and the deadline to apply is February 9.

Spokeswoman Angie Brown tells WLHR News Hart EMC will sponsor two local high school students on an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C. this summer.

Those teenagers will join dozens of students from other electric cooperatives in Georgia to represent our state in the Washington Youth Tour, an annual event that brings more than 1,500 young people from across the country to our nation’s capital.

Youth Tour events for Georgia’s participants begin with a kickoff banquet for the students and their parents.

That will be followed by a day full of activities for the Georgia students before they fly to Washington.

Youth Tour highlights typically include visiting the U.S. Capitol, Holocaust Museum, Smithsonian Institution, U.S. Supreme Court, and whenever possible, the White House. Other stops could include the National Cathedral and Arlington Cemetery as well as the World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War memorials and the Lincoln, Jefferson and FDR memorials.

In addition, students will have the opportunity to meet state and national leaders and gain a better understanding of how our government works.

Participants will also be involved in leadership-building activities and will have the opportunity to interact with students from across Georgia and across the country.

To apply students must be 16 years of age by June 1, 2024, and in good standing with your school.

Commit to participating in the Washington Youth Tour should you win.

Live in a home served by Hart EMC and attend a school in Hart EMC’s service area – homeschool is eligible, and have your parent’s permission to enter.

To apply you can go online to involvement and click on Washington Youth Tour.