Franklin County BOE Adopts 2024-2025 School Calendar

It was a three-month process but the Franklin County Board of Education has approved the school calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year.

At their work session earlier this month, Assessment Director Dawn Osborne presented the Board with the process used to select next year’s calendar.

Osborne said a committee of 23 representatives made up of administrators, teachers, parents, office staff, and curriculum and instruction team members began working on a calendar in early November.

Osborne said at the first meeting in November the committee divided up into three groups to come up with several calendar options.

“We gave them a list of non-negotiables and considerations; those being 180 days for students. We wanted fall, spring, a Christmas break, a Thanksgiving break. Those would be built in. The length and date were determined by those group members,” she said.

The committee then took the three rough drafts back to their schools for review and input before meeting in December to decide on final draft proposals.

In the second committee meeting, Osborne said they decided to put the three options out to the community for a vote.

“During discussion when we regrouped, we decided we would push all three calendar options for a vote. They were different. So we did and pushed all three out for community vote. So for our first survey, Calendar A, Calendar B, and Calendar C. So, A and B were the winners out of that and they were all really close…So we ran those two out for a second vote. So Survey 2 went out and you can see based on those results that Calendar B was our winner,” she explained.

After hearing from Osborne, the Board voted at their January 16 meeting to approve the Calendar B option.