Hart County HS Principal Honored for Student Success in CCRPI Scores

Photo Courtesy Hart County School System

Hart County High School Principal Kevin Gaines was recognized recently as a Stellar Performer at last week’s Hart County Board of Education meeting for the school’s recent success on the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI).

Hart County High School exceeded the state average in all five CCRPI categories including Content Mastery, Progress, Closing Gaps, Readiness, and Graduation Rate.

Hart County Charter School Superintendent Jennifer Carter said no other high school in the surrounding counties, nor in Pioneer RESA, reached the same level of performance as Hart County High School.

“Many of our neighbors exceeded the state in three categories, and even one county exceeded the state in four categories, but we were unable to find any neighboring counties that exceeded the state in all five categories,” Carter continued. “Mr. Gaines, thank you for your leadership. You devote countless hours to your school and our community. Your hard work is noticed and appreciated, and it’s paying off. Thank you for helping Hart County reach its vision of educational excellence, and for making our high school a frontrunner. We’re excited to see where you and your staff can, and will, take us.”

Meanwhile, Hart County Middle School scored above the state average in three out of the four categories for middle schools – Content Mastery, Progress, and Closing Gaps.

The middle school was less than one point shy of meeting the state average in the Readiness category as well.

South Hart Elementary School and North Hart Elementary School exceeded the state average in each of the four categories for elementary schools.

Hartwell Elementary School topped the state average in the Progress category.