Lavonia City Council Delays Vote on Proposed Mixed Use Development

The Lavonia City Council will wait to vote on a proposal for a mixed-use development along Ralph Owens Parkway until they hear more from the developers.

A two-part vote on the proposal was on the agenda Monday evening for the Council to vote on but at the recommendation of Ross Place Investment developer Kenny Whitworth said they are asking that the property on Ralph Owens Parkway be annexed into the City of Lavonia and that part of the property be rezoned to R3 conditional use for the construction of a new upscale apartment complex.

A public hearing and vote was taken on each of the two requests, for the rezoning and the annexation.

No one spoke at either public hearing for or against the Ross Place Investment requests.

However, before voting to accept or deny their requests, Mayor Courtney Umbehant asked that both votes be tabled.

That work session is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, January 16 at City Hall.

The Council is then expected to vote on both requests at their February regular meeting.