Georgia DNR Accepting Applications for Game Warden Academy

If your dream is to work as a Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Officer/Game Warden now is the time to apply.

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division is currently accepting applications for the 39th Game Warden Academy through April 30.

As a Game Warden, you will also be able to get your college degree under the DNR’s Accelerated Degree Advancement Promotional Track (A.D.A.P.T.).

There are several pathways available from the DNR for those interested in applying to the Academy including pathways for

non-POST Certified Applicants
POST Certified Applicants
non-POST Certified Military Veteran Applicants
POST Certified Military Veteran Applicants

More detailed information on the requirements to apply to the Academy can be found on the DNR website at

Please download completed applications and send to: [email protected]