End 2023 by Giving the Gift of Life

As 2023 comes to a close, the American Red Cross and The Blood Connection are asking people to consider adding charitable giving to their year-end traditions by donating blood to patients in need.

Thanks to FDA changes in blood donor eligibility this year, now more healthy people can give the gift of life

Beginning last May, FDA guidelines recommend asking every potential blood donor the same screening questions.

These questions ask about behavior that raises the risk for HIV, which can be spread through a transfusion.

Blood donation is then allowed, or not, based on personal risk factors for HIV and other blood-borne diseases.

Delisa English, TBC President and CEO tells WLHR News that while you’re preparing to ring in the new year, remember that only three percent of the population donates blood, but one in seven people who enter a hospital will need a blood transfusion but the supply doesn’t keep up with the demand.

On Friday, a bloodmobile will be at the Toccoa Home Depot from noon to 3p and the Belk’s in Toccoa from 5p to 8p.

Then this Saturday, December 30, bloodmobiles will be at both the Hartwell and Toccoa Walmarts from 11a to 7p.

Giving blood gives local hospital patients hope for successful treatments and more time with their families.

Blood products are used every minute for a wide range of treatments. Cancer patients use 25 percent of all blood donations.

Blood transfusions are needed in one out of every 83 newborn deliveries in America today, a rate that has increased by more than 50 percent between 2006 and 2015.

Blood donors must be healthy, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be 17 years old or 16 with written parental consent. Donors must bring a valid photo ID.

All blood types are needed but especially type O Negative, which is the universal blood type that can be given to anyone regardless of their blood type.

If you would like to donate blood, you can find a list of locations in our area to donate by going to either the Blood Connection website at https://donate.thebloodconnection.org/donor or https://www.redcross.org/give-blood.html and clicking on ZIP code search.