Georgia DOT prepared for winter weather

Winter is here, officially, and the Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT) is reminding the public of its efforts year-round to prepare for the winter weather season.

This year’s winter season in Georgia is expected to be wetter with cooler-than-average temperatures due to El Nino according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Georgia DOT Commissioner Russell R. McMurry tells WLHR News that GDOT staff in the State Maintenance Office and across the districts work year-round to ensure they have the materials, equipment, and training in place to adequately prepare for any weather event.

Every year, each of Georgia DOT’s seven regional districts takes inventory of materials and equipment used for winter weather events, according to Emily Fish, Georgia DOT’s assistant state maintenance engineer.

Georgia DOT’s emergency plan is in place to reallocate district resources to the most needed areas during an event.

Jeff Stone is GDOT’s Equipment Manager.

He says stockpiles of salt, calcium chloride, and other materials used to battle ice and snow are inventoried and orders placed if needed.

Additionally, G-DOT crews of maintenance experts fan out across the state’s roadways to assess routes and snow-removal capabilities and review all safety and training procedures to ensure crews and the motoring public remain safe during a snow or ice event.

Also, equipment including snowplows and brine trucks, among others, receive any necessary maintenance.

During winter weather events, Georgia DOT urges motorists to buckle up, use caution, minimize unnecessary travel, and reduce travel speeds, especially in the overnight hours to ensure that Georgia DOT crews have room to treat and clear roadways.

For more information on Georgia DOT’s preparations as well as tips and additional resources, please visit the department’s winter weather page.