Local Services Set for Today on National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer and at noon, communities, churches, and groups of the faithful will gather to pray for our country.

In 1952, Congress designated the first Thursday of May as day for people across the country to turn to God in prayer and meditation.  Each year since then, the President has signed  a proclamation, encouraging all Americans to pray on this day.

In Franklin County, the City of Franklin Springs will hold a time of prayer at City Hall, beginning at noon according city clerk Jackie Yearwood.   Yearwood said the service is expected to last about an hour.

Also, a countywide prayer service will take place at noon in Carnesville on the grounds of the Franklin County Courthouse.

In Hart County, pastors from seven area churches will gather on the lawn of the court house square at noon to pray for our country.

The Interdenominational Women’s Bible Study  has been organizing the county’s National Day of Prayer service for the past eight years.

Member Judy Voigt said this year’s service will also include some special music.

“Hart County Sheriff Mike Cleveland and two of his deputies will sing the National Anthem,” Voigt said. “Also, Lyn Glasgow, the music director from Hartwell United Methodist Church will lead us in a couple of songs and then the Pledge of Allegiance.”

The Hart County High School Color Guard will present the colors.

At all of the services on the National Day of Prayer seven specific areas are prayed for, including the country’s government and leadership, education, the media, the economy, churches, the family unit and the military.

921 WLHR will carry the Hart County National Day of Prayer live at noon.