Death of Poultry Workers Ruled “Preventable”

The release of fatal liquid nitrogen at a poultry processing plant in Gainesville nearly three years ago was “completely preventable,” according to a newly released federal report.

According to a recently released report by the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, in January 2021, six workers died at the Foundation Food Group plant when a liquid nitrogen control system in a freezer room failed due to a bent tube that allowed the room to be filled with a deadly cloud.

The severity of the incident was worsened, they said, by the Company’s inadequate emergency preparedness, including a failure to install air monitoring and alarm devices.

As a result, at least 14 workers entered the freezer room or the surrounding area to investigate the incident or try to rescue coworkers, with three of those workers and a firefighter suffering serious injuries from asphyxiation.

Drew Sahli is an investigator for the US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board.

He said workers trying to save their fellow workers at the plant cost them their lives.

Sahli added that nitrogen gas is a known hazard and said better training and communication could have prevented such a tragedy.

The CSB report made 12 safety recommendations, including calling on the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to establish a national standard addressing hazards arising from the storage, use, and/or handling of cryogenic asphyxiants.

The agency also suggested that the Compressed Gas Association and the National Fire Prevention Association improve their guidance on the safe use of cryogenic asphyxiants, including liquid nitrogen.

In July, 2021 U.S. Labor Secretary Marty Walsh announced 26 violations and citations and fines by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration against Foundation Food Group.

The Company was fined $595,474.

After the incident, FFG sold the plant to Gold Creek Foods, which is its current owner.

Gold Creek does not have liquid nitrogen freezing processes in the building where the incident occurred.