Franklin County United Way “Flocking” Local Residences, Businesses

People in Franklin County may wake up to find a flock of pink flamingos on their lawn or in front of their business.

This year’s Franklin County United Way campaign is in full swing and if you get “flocked” you have to pay up.  According to Franklin County United Way board member Janice Daley, the fun fundraiser will be going on all summer.

“There will be a note attached to the flamingo with instructions,” Daley said. “The note tells them they can donate to the United Way and then designate another yard to put the flamingos in.”

Now, if you find you’ve been flocked with flamingos and you choose not to participate, you can contact the United Way and they will remove the birds.   If you decide to participate and donate, Daley said there are three levels of giving available.

“We have three different packages. You can flock a residence with 12 flamingos for $10, 24 flamingos for $15 or the whole flock of 36 for $25. Businesses will be charged a flat $35 and the number of flamingos will depend on how much room they have,” she said.

Gerry Taylor is the Northeast Georgia United Way Vice President of Resource Development.    He said monies raised from the United Way campaign in Franklin County covers a variety of needs and services.

 “Thirteen of the 29 United Way agencies provided services to Franklin County last year,” Taylor said. “There are also two United Way agencies inside Franklin County. They are Harmony House in Royston and Reins of Life. Last year, the total served in the county was 1,743 individuals.”

This year’s campaign goal in Franklin County is $30,000.