Hart Co Sheriff Mike Cleveland Not Running for Re-election in 2024

After over 20 years as the Sheriff of Hart County, Sheriff Mike Cleveland tells WLHR News he is not running for re-election in 2024 but he’s not exactly retiring either.

Early last month, Hart County Sheriff’s Office Chief Investigator Chris Carroll announced his intention to run for Sheriff in 2024.

Cleveland said while he doesn’t feel the need to walk away from law enforcement completely, he doesn’t feel running for another term is the right decision at this time.

Carroll has worked for the Hart County Sheriff’s Office since 2010 as a deputy and completed his Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice in 2015.

He credits Sheriff Cleveland, Chief Deputy Tommy Whitmire, and others in the law enforcement community with teaching him many valuable lessons throughout his law enforcement career.

Cleveland said while he is stepping back, he’s not quite ready to walk away from the job completely.

So far, no one else in Hart County has come forward to run for Sheriff in 2024 but it’s early days.

This election year Cleveland is the second County Sheriff in our area who has officially announced his decision not to run for re-election.

Last week, Franklin County Sheriff Steve Thomas announced he is also not running next year.

Two candidates for his job have come forward so far – Scott Andrews and Brian Stovall.