AAA Expects to Help Over 360,000 Stranded Motorists Next Week

AAA expects to rescue over 360,000 stranded motorists nationwide over Thanksgiving weekend.

The three most common reasons expected for service calls are flat tires, dead batteries, and lockouts.

AAA expects more than 49 million Americans to take a Thanksgiving road trip.

The Auto Club Group urges them to have their vehicle inspected before leaving home to prevent roadside issues before they happen.

Montrae Waiters is the spokeswoman for AAA-The Auto Club Group and says it’s important to perform basic safety checks before you get on the road and this weekend is the perfect time to do that if you plan to drive to Grandma’s house next week.

Waiters recommends drivers address five key areas to help their vehicle safely survive high summer temperatures.

First, make sure your battery is in good working order, and then keep your engine cool by having your car’s radiator flushed regularly.

But one of the most important checks you can do on your vehicle before hitting the road is to check those tires.

Also, check your battery, listen to and feel the brakes, replace wiper blades, and top off engine oil and other fluids.

Finally, Waiters recommends always keeping a well-stocked emergency kit in the car in case you do find yourself stranded on the side of the road.

Other items to add to your emergency include a flashlight and extra fresh batteries, first-aid supplies, drinking water, non-perishable snacks for people and pets, car battery booster cables, emergency flares or reflectors, a rain poncho, a basic tool kit, duct tape, gloves and shop rags or paper towels.

And if you start to have car trouble on the road, pull as far over on the shoulder as safely possible to create more distance between your vehicle and passing traffic, and turn your hazard lights on so other drivers are aware you are there.

If you can safely make it to the next exit or stopping point, do so.

Waiters adds that if you see