Voting Open for the Fourth Annual Hidden Heroes Competition

The Georgia Leadership Institute (GLISI), a local nonprofit organization that develops school leaders state-wide, announced the opening of voting for its fourth annual Hidden Heroes campaign.

Over 170 educators across the state were nominated by their communities during October, including teachers, librarians, coaches, bus drivers, custodians, school secretaries, principals, and superintendents.

“Schools are the heartbeat of our communities. They are one of few remaining spaces where people gather across lines of difference to build our future – by educating children and families,” said Leslie Hazle Bussey, CEO and Executive Director of GLISI. “Our hope is to tell the stories of educators who perform miracles every day in our schools, while also sparking a tidal wave of appreciation for this noble profession so vital to our state’s economic and social well-being.”

Born during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to recognize and uplift the state’s unsung heroes, the Hidden Heroes campaign has grown every year. Nominations were open to the public and GLISI received a record-setting number of submissions this year.

Nominees represent every region of the state and include teachers, principals, bus drivers, and school support staff who demonstrate a passion for serving young people. The voting period is open to the public and extends to November 27. Participants can vote daily and vote for multiple nominees. The top three winners in each region will receive a cash prize along with their nominators.

To cast a vote visit

For more information about GLISI visit