Toys for Tots Drive Underway for 2019

The weather has been hot and it hasn’t felt much like fall much less holiday weather, but despite that the Marines’ Toys for Tots Christmas campaign is now underway.

October 1, 2019 marked the official kick-off for the Toys for Tots 2019 holiday campaign running through Christmas.

U.S. Marines and volunteers will be conducting 812 local toy collection and distribution campaigns in all 50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and U.S. Virgin Islands.

In our area, toys and gifts will be collected for children in Franklin, Hart, and Elbert counties through an area coordinator in Lavonia.

To request toys for a family you can call Area Coordinator Michael Prather at 706-297-8431 or go online to

Don Alexander is the Toys for Tots Area Coordinator in Stephens County.

Alexander said the easiest way to apply for toys is to do so on the Toys for Tots web site.

“It’s the same sign-up process that we’ve had for the past several years,” he said. “They sign up online rather than phone calls. It works out much easier, much better. And we’re going to have distribution every two weeks beginning October 16 on Wednesday.”

Alexander also reminds parents and care givers that it’s important to show up to pick up your child’s toys on the day specified.

“Last year, we had 35 families who did not pick up their toys for their children,” he said. “I don’t want to see that happen again.”

According to the Marines, there is an estimated 15 million children living in poverty in the U.S.

The mission of Marine Toys for Tots is to bring the joy of Christmas to less fortunate children with the goal to deliver a message of hope that will inspire youngsters to grow into responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.