Georgia DOT reminds the public…It’s the law: no signs on rights of way

Yard sale season is still going strong and campaigning for public offices is also underway, and that means you are seeing lots of signs for deals and candidates along our roadways.

But the Georgia Department of Transportation is reminding everyone that placing those signs in public rights of way is illegal.

G-DOT Spokesperson Katie Strickland points out those signs can be a safety hazard for motorists.

“If you have signs that advertises yard sales, or real estate signs, or campaign signs and they’re on the right of way, they can disrupt the view of drivers and they can also distract drivers,” Strickland explained. “So, Georgia has a law that says that it is unlawful for anyone to place those signs in the right of way of any public road. So that means, really, any sign.”

We’re not beginning to see a lot of campaign signs going up and sometimes those signs will suddenly disappear, leaving the candidate to think his or her opponent took them.

However, Strickland said that’s usually not the case. She says if G-DOT road crews see signs placed in violation of the law, they will remove them.

“We get a lot of local officials running for office asking if we have their signs. Most of the time, we are able to give them back their signs, and then give them this information, and then they know better for the next time,” Strickland said. Most of the time, honestly, it’s just ignorance. They really don’t know they’re not supposed to put their signs there and everybody else is putting their signs there. So, when their signs get taken, they wonder why, but once we give them the explanation, it usually corrects the behavior.”

Strickland said G-DOT has maintenance barns in every county where the signs are stored for 30 days for the owner to pick up.

After 30 days, the signs are destroyed.