Career Coach Coming to Two Locations this Month in Hart, Franklin Counties

Job seekers in Hart and Franklin counties might want to take advantage of two more opportunities to get some help with their career search when the Mobile Job Training Unit visits the Hart County Adult Learning Center in Hartwell this Thursday, October 3, from 10a – 2p.

And it will also be at the Lavonia Carnegie Library Tuesday, October 15th also from 10a to 2p.

Sponsored by the Workforce Development arm of the Georgia Mountains Regional Commission, Workforce Development Trainer Micah Thomas says the Career Coach offers a variety of aids to help you find your next job, including resume writing and career assessments.

“We come to assist individuals who may need help writing a resume because they have a job interview coming up. Or, they  have one and it needs to be critiqued, or they don’t know they need one. We also help with people wanting to change careers, but don’t know what they want to change to. We do a career assessment and help them walk through it.”

Thomas said many times job seekers want a new career path, but then realize they need new or additional training.

Thomas says the Mobile Training Unit team can help with that by showing the applicant where to get that training, as well as apply for financial aid.

“At the Georgia Mountain Regional Commission Workforce office, we offer tuition assistance,” Thomas explained. “So, say you’ve figured out what to go into but you need more training for it. If you meet the qualifications, then you’re eligible to receive funding to go to school.”

Other services offered on the Career Coach include, Computer Skills Training,
Microsoft Office Training, and GED / Career Skills Assessments.

All of the services offered by the Career Coach are free and no appointment is necessary.

Again, the Mobile Training Unit for job seekers will be at the Hart County Adult Learning Center on Benson St. in Hartwell on Thursday, October 3rd, from 10s – 2p and October 15 at the Lavonia Carnegie Library from 10a to 2p.