Royston Spring Festival, Car Show Hailed a Success

City of Royston officials are calling the City’s first ever Spring Festival and annual Classic Car Show Saturday a big success.

The festival and classic car show were sponsored by the Royston Downtown development Authority.

DDA board chair Ryan Swaills says the event got off to a great start with plenty of participants.

“We have about 70 cars this year. We have all ages, makes, models; just some beautiful vehicles,” he said. “We’re doing this to raise money for the Royston DDA.”

Those 70 participants came from all over Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina.

Swaills said trophies were awarded to the top vehicles in a number of categories.

“You have Best in Show, Peoples Choice, Best Ford sponsored by Casey Jackson Ford, Best Chevy sponsored by Tri-County Chevrolet, the Mayor and Council sponsored the Mayor and Council award,” he said. “People’s Choice award is sponsored by Rocky Ridge and the Best of Show is sponsored by Harold and Candy Rhoades.”

Other awards included Best Bike and Who Drove the Farthest.

Royston City Manager Ed Andrews said things got off to a great start thanks to a lot of work by several people.

“Everything looks great,” Andrews said. “The DDA has been pushing everything and making things work. The Street Department did a lot of work on it. Vendors are happy.”

We hope to have the list of car show trophy winners for you tomorrow.