Two Local Seniors Win Law Essay Contest

Two local high school students are the winners of this year’s Law Day Essay Contest.

They are Samantha Kincaid, who graduated this year fromt Madison County High School.
Kincaid received a $500 scholarship.

Second place went to Eric Whitmire, who graduated this year from Franklin County High School and received a $200 scholarship.

The contest is sponsored each year by Madison County attorney and Juvenile Court Judge Warren Caswell.

Caswell said this year’s Essay question was based on the history of Miranda rights and asked if the student agreed with President Obama that it should be permissible to arrest and interrogate terrorism suspects without informing them of their Miranda Rights.

This is the 11th annual Law Day Essay Contest and according to Caswell, it is designed to encourage young people to think about the role of law in society and how law affects their everyday lives.

Caswell said he runs the contest in conjunction with National Law Day.

Law Day is a day of national dedication to the principle of government under law so that we all can strengthen our American heritage of liberty, justice and equality under the law.

The essay contest is open to all students in the 9th to 12th grades who live in the five-county Northern Judicial Circuit.

Both essays can be viewed online at