Turnout Better Than Expected in Franklin, Hart Counties

Turn out in both counties was moderate for a mid-term election, but better than expected.

In Franklin County, poll workers tell WLHR News voting was steady Tuesday.

“It’s three minutes till the polls close and we had 446 people who have voted, said Lavonia Precinct Poll Manager Bob Ragsdale. “They tell me there are 1,400 registered voters here. This is a good turnout and we’ve had a steady flow of voters all day long and they’re excited about voting.”

In Gumlog, poll workers said over 400 voters cast ballots Tuesday.

All totaled for Franklin County, of the 10,606 registered voters, 4,798 votes were cast, or 45.24%.

That includes 1,093 early voters and 200 mail-in ballots.

In Hart County, voters jammed the voting booths during advance voting with some 3,000 voters casting ballots in the three weeks before the actual Election Day.

When the polls closed Tuesday, of the 12,344 registered voters, 6,745 or 54.64% had cast ballots, including the early voters and the mail in ballots.