Franklin, Hart Voters Go With Republican Ticket in State, Federal Races

In the State races, voters in Franklin and Hart Counties threw their support behind two incumbents who ran unopposed.

Franklin County voters said a big Yes to another four year term for Republican Governor Nathan Deal.

Deal took Franklin County with 79.75% of the vote to challenger Jason Carter’s 17.83%.

Hart County voters also chose Deal over Carter giving Deal 68.26% of the vote to Carter’s 29.06%.

You can view the rest of the state races on the Secretary of State’s Web site at

Incumbent Republican Senator John Wilkinson of the 50th District, which includes Franklin County received 100% of the votes in Franklin County or 4,289.

Wilkinson ran unopposed for his seat and will serve another four years.

In Hart County, which is now in the 24th State Senate District, voters there chose between Incumbent Republican Senator Bill Jackson and challenger Democrat and former Hart County School Board member Brenda Jordan.

Jackson won (easily) over Jordan District wide with 70.96% of the vote to Jordan’s 29.04%.

When the districts were redrawn two years ago, people in Hart County complained that Jackson, who lives in Augusta, is too far away from Hart County to be concerned about the needs of the county.

Still In Hart County, voters helped re-elect Jackson receiving 63.17% of the vote to Jordan’s 36.83%.

Both Hart and Franklin County voters again threw their support behind incumbent Republican State Representative Alan Powell.

In Hart County, Powell received 5,623 votes.

In Franklin County, Powell received 4,288 votes.

Powell also ran unopposed in the May General Primary.

In the Federal races, voters in both Franklin and Hart counties went with the Republican ticket.

For the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by retiring Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss, voters in Franklin County chose Republican businessman David Perdue by a vote of 79.97% to Democratic challenger Michelle Nunn’s 17.73%.

In Hart County voters selected Perdue over Nunn as well.  Perdue received 68.26% of the vote to Nunn’s 28.85%.

Statewide, Perdue beat Nunn by a wide margin, receiving 52.94% of the vote to Nunn’s 45.15%.

And for the U.S. Representative District 9 seat, incumbent Republican Doug Collins took the most votes in both Franklin and Hart counties over Democratic challenger David Vogel.

In Franklin County, Collins received 83,.91% of the vote to Vogel’s 16.09%.

In Hart County, Collins received 72.71% of the votes to Vogel’s 27.29%.

District wide, Collins received 80.67% of the vote to Vogel’s 19.33%.