Two Local Schools to Participate In State Nutrition Program

Two local schools have been chosen by Georgia Agriculture Secretary Gary Black to participate in the Georgia Grown Test Kitchen program.


Hartwell Elementary School in Hart County and East Jackson Elementary in Jackson County are two of ten schools selected.


The new program will promote local and healthy eating in schools across the state through supplying school nutrition directors with healthy recipes using Georgia Grown commodities.

Black said the Georgia Department of Agriculture will supply the ten schools with recipes using Georgia Grown Commodities.

These recipes will contain information on how to source the products used and nutritional information.

In turn, the schools will provide feedback on the given recipes. The selected schools will also participate in other Georgia Grown activities throughout the year.

The Georgia Grown Test Kitchen, along with the Feed My School for a Week Program, are designed to help bridge the gap in the nutritional value and quality of food served in Georgia schools, while providing more farm-to-cafeteria opportunities.


Black hopes the end result will be healthier Georgia students, decreased barriers in farm- to-school efforts and increased awareness as students learn and experience, both educationally and nutritionally, where their food comes from.